Smart Grid Standards & Why Should You Care?, December 12, 2013
A look at Smart Grid Interoperability framework to accelerate smart grid standards development and adoption including key Smart Grid standards related to the consumer, how you can make an impact, and related perspectives and topics.
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Consumer Response to Events, November 21, 2013
A closer look at smart grid events like critical rebate events through case studies from Pepco Holdings and Baltimore Gas & Electric to see how many consumers participated and to what extent.
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Wave IV of the Consumer Pulse Research, November 12, 2013
A presentation by KC Boyce of SGCC and Jack Lloyd of MSI on the Wave 4 results from the Consumer Pulse surveys, a national telephone survey, designed to track public awareness, favorability, and understanding of smart grid and its consumer benefits.
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Communicating Smart Grid to Customers, October 23, 2013
A webinar featuring how to translate the sometimes highly-technical smart grid into terms that customers understand and can resonate with. This webinar covered not only how to discuss the technology, but also how to convey the benefits of grid modernization to customers featuring thoughts from Risa Baron, Education Stakeholder Manager at SDG&E, and Paige Layne, Communications Manager for Duke Energy.
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Smart Grid Environmental and Economic Benefits, October 8, 2013
A discussion of SGCC's research that fully articulates and empirically supports the benefits of smart grid investment with the primary goal of providing this information to stakeholders in order to broaden the base of support for smart grid investment.
Are Consumers Willing to Pay the Cost?, July 31, 2013
A Thought Leadership webinar featuring Chris King, Chief Regulatory Officer at Siemens Smart Grid Services, and Wilson Gonzalez, Senior Regulatory Analyst of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel for a more in-depth portrayal of acceptance of the value of smart grid technologies that primarily improve reliability; answered the questions, are consumers willing to pay the cost of smart grid deployments?
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Benefits Analysis, June 5, 2013
A discussion on how benefits are being realized and re-evaluating the projected benefits such as improvements in grid reliability, reduction in the price of electricity, new products and services, and securing America's energy independence. The webinar featured presentations from Barbara Leary of FPL and James Meadows of PG&E.
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Time-Of-Use Pricing, May 7, 2013
A discussion around TOU pricing programs, differential pricing for peak and off-peak use. The dynamic pricing webinar covered existing programs, how consumers viewed the programs with the challenges involved, how pricing plans can save consumers money and help improve the environment. Moreover, this webinar explored required or optional programs offered to help low-income consumer segments. Featured presenters were David Eggart from Gulf Power and Ahmad Faruqui from the Brattle Group.
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Consumer Education: New Media vs. Old Media, April 10, 2013
A discussion how utilities used to communicate and what they do today featuring David Lawrence, Social Media/Web Manager, from San Diego Gas & Electric. David looked at how things have changed and what are consumer expectations. In addition, SA Anders, Director of Operations, from the Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon talked about what a utility means to a consumer and why would a customer even interact with a utility?
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Smart Grid Customer Engagement Success Stories, March 20, 2013
A presentation by SGCC's Executive Director Patty Durand who highlights a set of seven of successful engagement principles to serve as a resource for all industry stakeholders looking to hasten consumer awareness, acceptance and adoption of smart grid technologies and programs joined by Pat Charles or SDG&E and Bill Bell of CenterPoint Energy.
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Beyond AMR/AMI, February 27, 2013
A discussion about going beyond AMR/AMI by using business case models to evaluate future smart grid investments featuring Erik Ellis from APSC and the Smart Grid Research Consortium's Jerry Jackson.
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Data Privacy, January 23, 2013
A discussion within SGCC membership on the important topic of Data Privacy around smart grid and smart meters. The presentation featured a look at the Future of Privacy Forum's smart grid privacy seal program by Director Jules Polonetsky and IBM's perspective from Andy Bochman, Energy Security Lead & Industry Security Team Member.
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Posted in: Past Webinars