Consumer Engagement in Smart Grid Technologies, October 30, 2012
A discussion featuring Esther Kent from CenterPoint Energy and Sanket Amberkar from Cisco about the consumer-side technologies that are being utilized on the customer level including in-home displays and web portals and how they best resonate with consumers.
Download the presentation & watch the video
Consumer Pulse Wave 3, October 25, 2012
A presentation of SGCC's Wave 3 research from a national telephone survey completed for the Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC) by Market Strategies International. It is part of a series of Consumer Pulse Surveys designed to track public awareness, favorability, and understanding of Smart Grid and its consumer benefits.
Download the presentation or watch the recording - members version/public version
Creating Informed Consumers: A Utility’s Toolbox, September 25, 2012
A discussion on the tools utilities are using to engage consumers positively in energy efficiency and the smart grid led by Gail Allen of KCP&L and Bud Vos of Simple Energy.
Spotlight on Low Income Consumers, September 20, 2012 & Public Webinar, October 11, 2012
Patty Durand, SGCC Executive Director and Jack Lloyd, Senior Vice President of the Energy Division of Market Strategies International presented SGCC members with findings from the Spotlight on Low Income Consumers report. During the webinar, Patty and Jack discussed the value of engaging low-income consumers in the project of grid modernization and shared what has been learned about how it can best be done.
Download the presentation or watch the recording - member version/public version
Consumer Resistance to Smart Grid Roll-out, August 29, 2012
A discussion within SGCC membership featuring Marcus Beal from Pepco Holdings and Charley Plowman from OG&E relating their experiences with consumer resistance to smart grid roll-out including common themes and best practices. The presentation also featured a look at how to counter the anti-smart meter myths that are causing confusion and fueling consumer resistance.
Download the presentation, read the summary, and watch the recording.
Consumer Voices Briefing, June 12, 2012
SGCC presented Jack Lloyd, Senior Vice President in the Energy Division at Market Strategies, Inc. who walked attendees through a summary of the findings of the Consumer Voices report to color our understanding of how the five segments react and perceive the introduction of new technologies for electricity distribution and new smart grid-enabled programs and services. The presentation showed the in-depth interviews and videos make a great introduction to the SGCC segments - they really do help validate the segmentation framework in the Consumer Pulse research program, demonstrating that there are meaningful differences in smart grid attitudes, opinions, and likely behaviors. The segmentation framework is highly actionable: by taking the difference in the segments into account, SGCC members can enhance the performance of smart grid advocacy efforts, products, programs, and marketing strategies.
Investing in Grid Modernization, June 7, 2012
SGCC partnered with EPRI, Galvin Electricity Initiative, and the DC Office of the People's Counsel to present the inner workings of the cost/benefit analysis, the findings of the grid modernization report, and whether/how these findings can help educate or engage consumers in grid modernization.
Smart Grid HAN Standards, April 26, 2012
Patty Durand, SGCC, and John McDonald from GE Digital Energy, explored a connection of standards into the work of SGCC leading into a presentation by Dr. Robby Simpson from GE Digital Energy who explored HAN standards, providing an overview and current status on HAN standards and technologies. Robby showed how these standards fit into the larger smart grid picture.
Green Button: Empowering the Consumer, April 4, 2012
The Green Button is an initiative to provide consumers with access to their own energy data and will result in the ability for consumers to make more informed decisions about their energy consumption. SGCC partnered with Zahra Makoui from PG&E, Chris Irwin from DOE, and Cameron Brooks from Tendril to deliver an informative Peer Connect webinar on the Green Button Initiative. Over the course of the one-hour webinar, attendees learned the goals of the Green Button Initiative, learned what types of data consumers can access, discovered how the Green Button can empower consumers, and learned about SGCC's plans for promoting the Green Button and why we are excited about it.
Consumer Pulse Wave II, March 7, 2012
SGCC hosted along with Jack Lloyd, vice president of the Energy division at Market Strategies International, a research brief webinar revealing exclusive findings from Wave 2 of the SGCC Consumer Pulse Study, a national survey of 1,000 US energy consumers. A webinar that helped individuals understand awareness of favorability toward smart grid and how consumers rate the importance of seven potential benefits.
Reaching and Reassuring the Consumer: SGCC's 2012 Initiatives, February 29, 2012
Most smart grid industry stakeholders can agree that there is a need for simplified, trustworthy, and positive smart grid information accessible to consumers. Attendees led by Andy Frank and Patty Durand explored SGCC's 2012 plans for addressing this need. First, SGCC is in the process of launching a tactical response to misinformation and scare tactics seen in a series of YouTube videos which appear to be part of a national anti-smart meter campaign. Simultaneously, the SGCC education committee is carrying out a program to develop a compelling smart grid brand vision that will promote the consumer benefits of the smart grid.
Posted in: Past Webinars