• Working for consumer-friendly, consumer-safe smart energy.

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NEW Modern Energy Messaging: Transactions to Relationships


December 11
Modern Energy Messaging: Transactions to Relationships


NEW Educating on Electrification: Heat Pumps

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President’s Posts

What’s the Ideal Energy Message?

Today’s consumers are navigating a complex landscape of energy messages that may at times feel overwhelming. Messages on a variety of topics are being delivered by their electricity providers, the government and retailers, to name just a few sources, and through many channels (e.g., email, TV, social media, mail and radio). In this landscape, which messages are most likely to resonate? Continue reading

Member Spotlights


Pearl’s vision is a world where homeowners drive energy transformation. To get there, they’ve made it their mission to shift the priorities of homeowners and the real estate market toward valuing performance features that enhance home comfort, safety, resilience and cost-efficiency. Continue reading

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The success of smart energy innovation depends on the full engagement of the people at the end of the electrical delivery chain.

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