Understanding the SMB Landscape Report
Author: Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative
Date: June 3, 2024
Topics: SMBs
Resource Type: Reports
Download a copy of SECC’s “Understanding the SMB Landscape: New Needs and Concerns” report, which explores the energy-related needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across the United States and provides recommended next steps for customer engagement.
Based on a 15-minute online survey of 750 energy decision-makers at businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the report found that 47 percent of SMBs characterize electricity as a “moderate” business expense, while an additional 18 percent say that it is a “large” expense.
In addition, the new survey found that there is significant interest in demand response and electrification – roughly three-quarters of SMBs say that they are interested in participating in a demand response program or switching non-electric business operations to electricity.
Finally, this research developed four new personas – Energized Enterprises, Opportunistic Organizations, Small & Satisfied and Entrenched Businesses – that can help highlight the key needs and priorities of SMB customers and provide insight into effective customer engagement strategies.