Cool Things the Smart Grid Enables, November 19, 2014
A webinar where attendees will learn how companies are providing consumers with new value based on smart grid data and/or capabilities. Attendees heard from Cole Hershkowitz, CEO of Chai Energy, Ron Dembo, CEO of Zerofootprint, Holland Wood, President & CEO of Ikehu, Inc., and Tim Johnson, Founder of EnergyMobile Studios, developers of award winning apps Powercents, Gridwatch, CK Ranker, Beckon and Willow.
Motivations and Emotions of Engaged Consumers, October 21, 2014
A webinar where attendees learned about what motivates consumers to engage with their energy usage – and how to reach those who aren’t engaged. This webinar provided groundbreaking insight into the drivers of engagement and actionable intelligence for product development, marketing, and customer care teams.
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New Innovations in Consumer Engagement, September 17, 2014
If you are interested the latest about what utilities are doing to drive sustained engagement with their consumers, and where smart grid technologies are playing a key role in that engagement, this webinar was a chance to explore the new innovations in consumer engagement from the eyes of Tendril and CPUC.
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Conversations with Consumer Advocates, August 27, 2014
A presentation featuring consumer advocates from across the U.S. including David Kolata, Executive Director of the Illinois Citizens Utility Board; Tyson Slocum, Director of the Energy Program at Public Citizen; and Paula Carmody, People's Counsel at Maryland Office of the People’s Counsel. Attendees of this webinar heard the views directly from consumer advocates about addressing issues affecting consumers and the smart grid.
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Delivering Smarts to the Smart Grid, June 25, 2014
Presenters from Avista Corp., Integral Analytics and Sageview Associates discussed how utilities are using advanced analytic software to deliver the promised benefits of the Smart Grid. Using real-time feedback, more granular data, and instantaneous optimizations the electricity grid can finally be managed from both the demand side and the supply side.
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Spotlight on Low Income Consumers II, April 10, 2014
Is the smart grid creating an "energy divide" for low-income consumers? SGCC's Assistant Director K.C. Boyce and the Blackstone Group's Roger Straus covered what the latest SGCC research has to say about low income consumers’ experience with the smart grid: how they access and use online energy usage data, challenges for renters, and their financial relationship with their electricity provider.
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Green Button 1 Year Later, March 27, 2014
A webinar featuring Chris Irwin of the Department of Energy and Karen Lefkowitz, Vice President of Business Transformation at Pepco Holdings looking back on how the Green Button is being used one year later after the year of its initial launch.
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AMI for Municipal Utilities, February 26, 2014
As an increasing number of municipal utilities install AMI, we learned from the experience of other utilities about how to apply their experiences to the unique challenges and opportunities of municipal AMI.
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Segmentation: The Way to Your Consumers' Heart, February 12, 2014:
A webinar featuring presentations from Joe Cunningham, Manager of Market and Customer Insight at Duke Energy and Mike Woodard, Research Team Leader - Marketing at Arizona Public Service on the experience two utilities have had in driving business value through consumer segmentation, along with a framework for understanding how to up your utility’s segmentation game.
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Cyber Security and Data Privacy, January 22, 2014
A presentation featuring Aclara Technologies about practicing safe security techniques to minimize the number of successful cyber security attacks and the collection and dissemination of data with technology in relation to the public’s expectation of privacy.
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Posted in: Past Webinars