
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend pulvinar dignissim. Suspendisse varius elementum venenatis. Donec ornare ipsum quis ex accumsan mollis. Aenean sed augue in purus egestas tempor volutpat sed massa. Duis imperdiet ligula ante, nec imperdiet dui pellentesque condimentum. Sed non porta mauris. Nunc ut lacinia lectus. Nulla placerat euismod sodales. Mauris lobortis nisl sit amet quam dictum faucibus.


Who Are Smart Home Device Owners?

Promising convenience, entertainment, energy savings and other benefits, smart home devices have taken off in recent years. While the economic uncertainty around COVID-19 seems to have impacted this growth, smart speaker adoption continues to exceed “nearly every consumer electronic device”, including, at one point, the iPhone.

Addressing Consumer Pain Points to Electric Vehicle Adoption

Over the past year, which has been filled with unprecedented challenges for consumers, the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) has continued to research what consumers want from energy...