
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend pulvinar dignissim. Suspendisse varius elementum venenatis. Donec ornare ipsum quis ex accumsan mollis. Aenean sed augue in purus egestas tempor volutpat sed massa. Duis imperdiet ligula ante, nec imperdiet dui pellentesque condimentum. Sed non porta mauris. Nunc ut lacinia lectus. Nulla placerat euismod sodales. Mauris lobortis nisl sit amet quam dictum faucibus.


Engaging Consumers in Load Management Webinar

During this Peer Connect Webinar on Wednesday, August 24 at 1…

What’s Stopping Renters from Engaging in Energy?

To better understand who residential renters are and their attitudes, values and preferences regarding energy management activities and utility programs, the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) conducted the “Understanding the Needs and Wants of Renters” report.

How Utilities Can Drive the Customer Experience Around EVs

About one year ago, President Biden welcomed auto industry leaders to the White House for the announcement of a national goal for half of all new cars and trucks sold to be zero emissions by 2030. While largely a symbolic move, as the executive order is non-binding, it does accurately reflect the immense momentum that has been building within the electric vehicle (EV) industry over the past couple of years.

Why Some Consumers Have Not Adopted Smart Home Devices

While smart home devices have grown rapidly throughout the past decade, a recent report from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) suggests that 2021 may be a relative down year for these technologies, with flat revenues and just 11-percent growth in unit sales.
