
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend pulvinar dignissim. Suspendisse varius elementum venenatis. Donec ornare ipsum quis ex accumsan mollis. Aenean sed augue in purus egestas tempor volutpat sed massa. Duis imperdiet ligula ante, nec imperdiet dui pellentesque condimentum. Sed non porta mauris. Nunc ut lacinia lectus. Nulla placerat euismod sodales. Mauris lobortis nisl sit amet quam dictum faucibus.


What Do Consumers Know About Their Electric Rate Options?

To learn more about what consumers know about these rate options, the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) recently conducted a 20-minute online survey of 2,013 Americans who are responsible for making energy-related decisions at home.

What Do Consumers Think About Their Electric Bills?

For many consumers, the monthly electric bill is the primary – or only – routine touchpoint with their electricity providers. Given this significant role in the utility-customer relationship, how do residential customers truly feel about their bills and how do these perceptions impact what they think about their electricity providers?