
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend pulvinar dignissim. Suspendisse varius elementum venenatis. Donec ornare ipsum quis ex accumsan mollis. Aenean sed augue in purus egestas tempor volutpat sed massa. Duis imperdiet ligula ante, nec imperdiet dui pellentesque condimentum. Sed non porta mauris. Nunc ut lacinia lectus. Nulla placerat euismod sodales. Mauris lobortis nisl sit amet quam dictum faucibus.


Who Are the Trusting Traditionalists?

Among the middle ground of American consumers, there’s the Trusting Traditionalists, a segment that is often overwhelmed by technology and isn’t strongly motivated by the environmental benefits of utility programs and services.

How to Engage the Connected Pragmatists

Younger consumers today are often touted as a tech-savvy and eco-friendly cohort, which would seemingly make them a perfect fit for innovative, tech-driven utility programs and services that deliver environmental benefits.

Three Takeaways from SECC’s 2022 Members Meeting

The Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) recently convened its membership at Ameren’s headquarters in St. Louis for the 2022 Members Meeting & Fall Workshop. Let's look at a few takeaways from the presentations.

The “Sweet Spot” for Innovative Utility Programs

With each iteration of SECC’s consumer segmentation, there has always been one segment that stood out from the others as being considerably more knowledgeable and engaged when it comes to energy.

How to Engage Less Tech-Savvy Consumers

You often hear that we live in a digital age where connected technologies and online platforms are the norm in most consumers’ lives. However, not all of today’s consumers have the same affinity or level of comfort with technology.

Apogee Interactive

Apogee Interactive partners with utilities to deliver actionable insights to their customers. Their digital engagement platform provides end-use disaggregation that enhances program promotion, improves customer satisfaction and increases customer participation in utility programs.

The Value of Online Marketplaces During COVID-19

Online marketplaces are uniquely positioned to combat many of the challenges from COVID-19 and help consumers save energy during this difficult time.

Five Insights on Energy Consumers for 2020

While many electricity providers have become significantly more customer-centric in recent years, how receptive have consumers in the United States and Canada been to this evolution?

FirstFuel Software

As a customer-driven, community-focused utility, Austin Energy serves a population of over one million residents in the greater Austin area with a mission to safely deliver clean, affordable, reliable energy and excellent customer service.