
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend pulvinar dignissim. Suspendisse varius elementum venenatis. Donec ornare ipsum quis ex accumsan mollis. Aenean sed augue in purus egestas tempor volutpat sed massa. Duis imperdiet ligula ante, nec imperdiet dui pellentesque condimentum. Sed non porta mauris. Nunc ut lacinia lectus. Nulla placerat euismod sodales. Mauris lobortis nisl sit amet quam dictum faucibus.


Racial Equity in the Smart Energy Future

With the social unrest following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020, many in the utility sector began thinking about ways to advance racial equity in the industry – for both their customers as well as their employees.

What Have We Learned About Today’s Consumers?

Over the past year, which has been filled with unprecedented challenges for consumers, the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) has continued to research what consumers want from energy...

Three Notable Racial Disparities Among Lower-Income Consumers

For the final publication in a series on lower-income energy consumers, the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) recently delved into survey responses from 1,000...