December 2024
Member Spotlight
Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.
257 is a residential electrification data platform startup. They use AI, dozens of data sources and billions of data points to build a digital energy twin for every U.S. home. Utilities and implementers use 257 to better understand and market to their residential customers.
Key applications of 257 include improving demand response and energy efficiency program participation, predicting load growth and personalizing customer messaging and experiences.
257 is a venture-backed startup based in New York City and led by experts in data science, marketing and energy.
These are examples of engagements where 257 has used their address-level models to support utility programs and planning.
Demand Response Enrollment – Collaborating with a New England investor-owned utility (IOU) to identify and market to heat pump and smart thermostat households.
Heat Pump Adoption – Collaborating with a northeastern utility to promote heat pumps to homes heated by trucked fuels or resistance electric.
Load Growth and Grid Planning – Partnering with a New York municipal utility and a smart meter vendor to predict the adoption of electric vehicles and home charging across their service territory.
Marketplace Purchase Propensity – Helping a major southern IOU and their vendor improve marketplace participation with propensity models and advanced targeting.
Customer Experience Strategy – Helping a large southern municipal utility craft digital customer experiences and engagement strategies.
At the core of 257’s residential energy data platform sits a profile on every residence in the US. This “digital energy twin” is composed of four pillars of data: the structure, the residents, the electric grid and financial insights, including available incentives and funding opportunities. The platform utilizes dozens of data sources and makes heavy use of AI to impute these attributes at scale, for every home, and before 257 even begins its engagement with a utility client.
Clients connect their CRMs to the 257 platform to automatically generate insights on their current customers and to generate targeting criteria for customer acquisition and program recruitment.
257 offers three distinct products today: Analyze, Target and Engage.
Deeper customer insights leveraging 257 data and modeling:
Accelerate customer engagement and program recruitment with 257 lookalike modeling:
Customizable address and enrollment forms powered by 257 data:
To learn more about 257, visit their website here, follow them on LinkedIn or reach out directly to